Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sugar High Sunday–Halloween Edition

Happy Halloween from Lulu & Co!
Happy Halloween!

Here at Let Them Eat Cake, we LOVE Halloween and all the sugary fun it brings! This Sugar High Sunday features Halloween-themed posts from my favourite blogs. I hope you have fun, be safe tomorrow night and remember to brush your teeth! ;-)

Check out Marshmallow Ghost Cupcakes from yours truly!

The lovely Bakerella  has a fantastic post about Halloween sprinkles.

I've heard of whoopie pies, but spooky pies? Sugar Plum shows us the way.

This cake is GORGEOUS! I'm so jealous of Bakingdom's Chocolate Orange Layer Cake.

You'll have to find the surprise for yourself at I am Baker...

Confessions of a Cookbook Queen posted a whole whack* of awesome Halloween recipes.

Hostess with the Mostess brings us a beautiful & elegant Halloween party. Le sigh.

Jelly Shot Test Kitchen brews up some very cool glow-in-the-dark Vodka Tonic Bat Shots. *hic*

and finally, from Half Baked, three beautiful and chic black & white Halloween styling ideas.

Happy Halloween!

*like, a whole lot

Friday, October 28, 2011

Marshmallow Ghost Cupcakes

Absolutely adorable marshmallow ghosts float spookily above dark but divine devil's food cupcakes! A cute but scary treat for your Halloween bash. The sweet, glossy marshmallow frosting sounds complicated but it's pretty easy. For best results, make the frosting the same day you will serve them. Enjoy!

Cute marshmallow ghosties will haunt your tastebuds!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Chocolate Ruffle Cake

I love birthdays. There's nothing I love more than a shared celebration with family and friends. Recently, we celebrated the birthday of the wonderful Pamela, my friend and sister-in-law. I just need to say that Pamela is generous, effervescent, fun, hilarious, clever, talented, creative and a culinary genius. As a surprise, I made her a chocolate birthday cake. However, I decided I need to fancy it up with a nifty frosting technique. Here is the result — Chocolate Ruffle Cake!
Pretty, ruffly and girly — a perfect birthday cake for the birthday girl.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sugar High Sunday

Welcome, my friends, to another Sugar High Sunday; where the sugar is sugary and the butter is all up in your grill. Here's a round-up of some other sweet treats found around the dessert world this week. I hope they inspire you!

Half Baked discusses a trend I am loving at the moment: Cake Trios

Raspberri Cupcakes makes a beautiful Orange Cake with Fruit Tingle Frosting. I don't know what Fruit Tingles are, but I want some.

I am a Candied Apple fan! As Hallowe'en approaches, you may want to brush up on your Caramel Apple skills with this post from Glorious Treats.

The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle has the cutest-ever Pumpkin Cookies! As a bonus, she has a nifty tip about orange food colouring.

Why am I not eating these RIGHT NOW? My Baking Addiction's Chocolate Caramel Tarts are taunting me with their awesomeness.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sugar High Sunday

Here's a round-up of some other sweet treats found around the dessert world this week. I hope they inspire you!

Healthy and allergen safe Nut-Free Energy Bars from Baking Obsession

Avocados? In ice cream? I say, "Yes, please!" Avocado Ice Cream from Art of Dessert

Dairy-free Hazelnut Chocolate Milk from Always Order Dessert

Zoë Bakes revisits The Ultimate Carrot Cake

Sprinkle Bakes' Pumpkin Brown Butter Cupcakes with Cinnamon Frosting made me {almost} lick the screen!

Mmmm Cinnamon Roll Cookies by Bakers Royale

If you see deliciousness that deserves to be featured here, drop me a line!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Red Velvet Cake

Luscious Red Velvet Cake, with pretty cream cheese frosting roses
When I was a teenager, my family was transplanted from western Canada to rural Mississippi for a short time. That year brought daily lessons of culture shock, the main one of course was the food. I have many memories of shiver-inducing food, however, I did fall in love with one dessert: Red Velvet Cake. This moist, sweet, beautifully red cake with its tangy white frosting was a wonderful treat; not quite birthday cake, not quite chocolate cake, but something unique and new to me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chocolate Sheet Cake

Yuuuuuuuuuuuuum. That is all.

I call this my Last Minute Cake. No need to worry about remembering to take out butter or whatnot; everything is melted together in a pot on the stove. This easy cake can be mixed by hand and baked in one large pan! Rich and fudgy and chocolatey—and the chocolate glaze icing will knock your socks off. The first time I made the icing and tasted it, my eyes bugged out and I immediately reached for a larger spoon. Here's a tip: divide the batter among two 8x8 pans - freezing one cake for later use.

Recipe after the jump!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy {Canadian} Thanksgiving!

Turkey — you complete me. Bro-in-law Jason carves the bird.

No Sugar High Sunday this week — we're too busy enjoying time with family and friends. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I always get to the make the gravy!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sugar High Sunday

Here's a round-up of some other sweet treats found around the dessert world this week. I hope they inspire you!

Beautiful food and photography at Sweetapolita - Nutella Swirl Pound Cake with Espresso Glaze

Super yummy-looking Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes from Bakingdom look amazing — these are on my list to try soon!

A Sweet Spoonful shares a sweet story and a sweet recipe for Ginger Molasses Cookies

Simple, beautiful, classic — another Apple Pie for the holidays from Brown Eyed Baker

These Salted Caramel Cupcakes from Cake Events look scrumptious, and as a bonus, include free printable tags!

Dessert for breakfast? Yes, please! Make it a Breakfast Banana Split from Bake at 350 — made from fresh strawberries, bananas, greek yogurt and drizzled with melted Nutella. *DIES*

Here's a healthier alternative to the above breakfast craziness: Olive Oil Granola from Everybody Likes Sandwiches

Enjoy — thanks for reading!